Our Programs


Get the best physical and mental workout  ever through skillful swordplay using any of the three weapons:  foil, epee or saber. Weapons each have different rules and target  zones.

The fencer's goal is to hit the opponent on the valid target  area without being hit. All movements involve handwork, footwork  and strategy formulation. The sport is excellent for building  coordination, balance, grace and quick reflexes.

Protective masks, padded jackets, gloves and blunt tipped  swords make fencing one of the safest sports for adults and children  alike.

See " Lessons" for details.

Historical Program

Learn the historical art of fencing in group classes that explore the Western and Eastern approaches to early fencing techniques. Learn 16th century defense systems of European Masters. Discover a totally different aspect of historical fencing from the Orient, with the study of the katana sword.

Beginners use safe substitute weapons, such as the shinai sword made of bamboo and the wooden boken, to reenact actual encounters. Replicas of historic weaponry are used on more advanced levels. Classes are fun, moderately paced, and appeal to those with an interest in history.

See " Historical Fencing Classes "  for details.